Puffin's DevLog

TIL: Redux 최종 정리

Redux 스터디

기간: 19-01-29 ~ 19-02-28

Getting Started with Redux

Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux

고급 상태 관리, 미들웨어, 리액트 라우터와의 병합 관련 내용.

Redux: Simplifying the Arrow Functions

강의 링크

화살표 함수를 이용해서, 컴포넌트와 액션 크리에이터에서 좀 더 간결한 사용이 가능.

Redux: Supplying the Initial State

강의 링크 내용 요약 및 한글 번역

Redux: Persisting the State to the Local Storage

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Redux: Refactoring the Entry Point

강의 링크

내용 요약 및 한글 번역

Redux: Adding React Router to the Project

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Redux: Navigating with React Router

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Redux: Filtering Redux State with React Router Params

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Redux: Using withRouter() to Inject the Params into Connected Components

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Redux: Using mapDispatchToProps() Shorthand Notation

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Redux: Colocating Selectors with Reducers

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Redux tip: export selectors with related reducers. They let you decouple views and action creators from state shape.

Redux: Normalizing the State Shape

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Redux: Wrapping dispatch() to Log Actions

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Redux: Adding a Fake Backend to the Project

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Redux: Fetching Data on Route Change

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Redux: Dispatching Actions with the Fetched Data

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Redux: Wrapping dispatch() to Recognize Promises

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Redux: The Middleware Chain

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Redux: Applying Redux Middleware

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Redux: Updating the State with the Fetched Data

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Redux: Refactoring the Reducers

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Redux: Displaying Loading Indicators

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Redux: Dispatching Actions Asynchronously with Thunks

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Redux: Avoiding Race Conditions with Thunks

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Redux: Displaying Error Messages

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Redux: Creating Data on the Server

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Redux: Normalizing API Responses with normalizr

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Redux: Updating Data on the Server

강의 링크 내용 요약 및 한글 번역

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